Game of the Round (14)
Tournament results
Game of the Round (13)
Game of the Round (12)
Game of the Round (11)
Game of the Round (10)
Game of the Round (9)
Game of the Round (8)
Corus Tournament in Wijk aan Zee: a Creative Survey (Round 13)
Corus Tournament in Wijk aan Zee: a Creative Survey (Rounds 11-12)
Corus-Tournament in Wijk aan Zee: a Creative Survey (Rounds 3-4)
Corus Tournament in Wijk aan Zee: a Creative Survey (Rounds 5-6)
Corus Tournament in Wijk aan Zee: a Creative Survey (Rounds 1-2)
Corus Tournament in Wijk aan Zee: a Creative Survey (Rounds 7-8)
Corus Tournament in Wijk aan Zee: a Creative Survey (Rounds 9-10)
Corus Tournament in Wijk aan Zee: a Creative Survey (Rounds 1-2)
Corus Tournament in Wijk aan Zee: a Creative Survey (Rounds 5-6)
Corus-Tournament in Wijk aan Zee: a Creative Survey (Rounds 3-4)
Corus Tournament in Wijk aan Zee: a Creative Survey (Rounds 7-8)
Corus Tournament in Wijk aan Zee: a Creative Survey (Rounds 9-10)
Kramnik vs Deep Fritz. Games 4-6 annotated K.Sakaev
K.Sakaev. Creativity at the Superfinal, Rounds 9-11
K.Sakaev. Creativity at the Superfinal, Rounds 6-8
K.Sakaev comments on the games of Kramnik vs Deep Fritz match
K.Sakaev. Creativity at the Superfinal, Rounds 1-3
K.Sakaev. Creativity at the Superfinal, Rounds 4-5
Tenth round summary
Sofia, round 10: Topalov-Bacrot, Svidler-Kamsky
Eleventh round summary
Seventh round summary
Eighth round summary
Sixth round summary
First round summary
Third round summary
Fourth Round Summary
Ninth round summary
Second round summary
Fifth round summary

18.12.2006 K.Sakaev. Creativity at the Superfinal, Rounds 4-5

Round 4

Tomashevsky,Evgeny - Jakovenko,Dmitry [A34]
59th Russian Championship Superfinal Moscow (4), 2006

1.¤f3 ¤f6 2.c4 c5 3.¤c3 ¤c6 4.g3 d5 5.cxd5 ¤xd5 6.Ґg2 ¤c7 7.0-0 e5 8.a3 f6 9.¦b1

9...¦b8 By this move Black indirectly defends against b2-b4 and also prepares the advance of his b-pawn, which consolidates the queenside structure. Depending on the situation this pawn can be advanced on one or two squares.

To the natural 9...Ґe6 White might reply 10.b4 (to insert 10.Јa4 isn`t dangerous in view of 10...¦b8 followed by b7-b5) 10...cxb4 11.axb4 Ґxb4 12.¤xe5 fxe5 13.Ґxc6+ bxc6 14.¦xb4 0-0 with an unclear position – White has a better pawn formation while Black has a good dynamic piece play.

10.d3 Black`s idea reveals itself – impossible is 10.b4 due to 10...cxb4 11.axb4 Ґxb4 12.¤xe5 fxe5 13.Ґxc6+ bxc6 , and the bishop b4 is protected by the rook.

10...Ґe6 11.Ґe3 Јd7 12.¤d2 b6 If 12...Ґe7 then again 13.b4 is possible, which Dmitry apparently disliked.

13.Јa4 b5 14.Јc2 ¦c8 14...f5 led to a more sharp play depriving the white knights of the vital e4 square. The only drawback of this move consists in the weakening of the dark squares which may be disclosed by f2-f4 (at once or after the exchange on c6).

15.¤ce4 ¤d5

16.¦fc1 A more creative decision would be 16.¤xc5!? Ґxc5 (but not 16...¤xe3 17.fxe3 Ґxc5 18.Јxc5 ¤d4 19.Јb4 ¤xe2+ 20.ўf2 , and the knight is ensnared.) 17.Јxc5 ¤d4 18.Ґxd4 ¦xc5 19.Ґxc5 ўf7 20.¤e4 ¦d8 21.d4 White has full compensation for the queen and his pressure along the d-file (21...exd4 will be answered by 22.¦fd1) is rather unpleasant.

16...¤xe3 17.fxe3 ¤d8 Not good is 17...Ґe7 18.b4! (to 18.¤xc5 Black has18...¤d4!) 18...cxb4 19.¤xf6+ gxf6 20.Ґxc6 ¦xc6 21.Јxc6 Јxc6 22.¦xc6 Ґd7 23.¦a6 bxa3 24.¦xa7;

17...c4!? 18.dxc4 ¤a5 looks very risky, even though the direct refutation is nowhere to be seen e.g. 19.c5 f5 20.c6 Јd8 21.¤f2 e4 22.c7 Јf6 with an unclear position.

18.b4 cxb4 19.Јxc8 Јxc8 20.¦xc8 Ґxc8 21.axb4 Each side has his trumps. White is better developed and has prospects of play along the light squares while Black`s pawn structure is healthier and he has the bishop pair. Therefore the resulting ending could be assessed as roughly equal.

21...f5 22.¤c3 a6 23.¤d5 Ґd6 24.¦c1 Ґb7 25.¤b3 White could win a pawn by пешку 25.¤c7+ ўd7 26.Ґxb7 ¤xb7 27.¤xa6 ¦a8 28.¤c5+ ¤xc5 29.bxc5 , but after 29...Ґe7! Black obtains sufficient compensation thanks to his active pieces and potentially powerful b-pawn.

25...Ґxd5 26.Ґxd5 Ґxb4 27.¦a1 a5 28.¤xa5

28...Ґc5! Dmitry takes avery good "human"decision to transfer the bishop to b6 from where it controls the a7 square preventing the penetration of the white rook. At the same time the bishop exerts pressure on the whole diagonal restricting the white knight`s possibilities. The computer recommendation 28...Ґc3 29.¦a2 ўd7 30.¤b3 ¤c6 not only looks more risky but it`s actually inferior if we just go deeper - 31.¦a6 ¦c8 32.e4 fxe4 33.Ґxe4 , and the bishop on c3 is cut off.

29.d4 Ґb6 30.¤b3 ўd7 31.¦a6 ўc7 32.¤c5

32...h5!! A brilliant move. The rook comes to help its queenside via h6. The natural 32...¦e8 was at least less spectacular although in this case a draw would be the most probable outcome as well.

33.¤d7 ¦h6 34.¤xb6 Of course bad is 34.¤xe5 on account of 34...Ґxd4 which suggests itself or first 34...¦d6! which is even stronger.


35.¦a7+? Team up with the knight the rook b6 that is allowed to stay alive give such a support to the passed pawn that it becomes unstoppable. It was better to swap the rook at the same time grabbing a pawn - 35.¦xb6 ўxb6 36.dxe5 ўc5, and here both the immediate 37.e4 and 37.Ґa2 are possible with unavoidable draw in both cases. To win the bishop for the b-pawn Black needs several king`s moves and White will be in time to activate his king exchanging all the kingside pawns.

35...ўd6 36.Ґb3 ¤e6 37.¦f7? To bring the king closer was essential - 37.ўf2 exd4 (a smarter move 37...b4 doesn`t work out well in view of 38.¦a5! and the advantage is already with White!) 38.Ґxe6 ўxe6 39.¦xg7 The rook ending looks very dangerous but it seems that White saves the game: 39...ўd5 (nothing can be changed by 39...ўf6 40.¦h7 ўg6 41.¦a7 or 39...dxe3+ 40.ўxe3 ўf6 41.¦h7 ўg6 42.¦a7) 40.¦d7+ ўc4 41.exd4 b4 42.ўe3 b3 43.¦c7+ ўd5 (43...ўb4 44.ўd2) 44.¦c5+ ўe6 45.¦c1 b2 46.¦b1 ўd5 47.ўd3 , with a draw.

37...exd4 38.¦xf5 dxe3 39.¦xh5 ¤c5 40.Ґg8 ¦b8 41.Ґf7 ¤e6! The knight is placed extremely well on e6 as it covers the bishop`s diagonal and deprives the white rook of the g5 square moreover it is ready to jump on d4 later on.

42.ўg2 b4 43.Ґg6

43...¦f8! The e-passer decides the outcome. Being supported by all the black pieces and with the white king cut-off it turns out to be even stronger than its colleague on b4. White had hoped for 43...b3 44.ўf3 b2 45.ўxe3 b1Ј 46.Ґxb1 ¦xb1 where his drawing chances looked weighty.

44.¦b5 ¦f2+ 45.ўh3 ¦xe2 46.¦xb4 ¦f2 47.ўh4 [No better is 47.ўg4 e2 48.¦e4 ўd5 49.¦e3 ¤c5] 47...e2 48.¦e4 ўd5 49.¦e3 ¤d4 After the game had transposed into an ending it seemed that a draw was inevitable. However Dmitry Jakovenko played the ending very well each time posing new problems to Evgeny Tomashevsky. The mistakes made by White weren`t evident but Dmitry exploited them skillfully conducting the second part of the game very ingeniously and strongly in particular starting from move 28. 0-1


Inarkiev,Ernesto - Svidler,Peter [D78]
59th Russian Championship Superfinal Moscow (4), 2006

1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 g6 3.¤f3 Ґg7 4.g3 c6 5.Ґg2 d5 6.Јb3 0-0 7.0-0 Јb6 8.¤c3 ¦d8 9.¦d1

9...¤a6? It is either sacrifice or blunder – I suppose the latter. I should say Peter never had special sympathy towards this variation where Black is deprived of active counterplay.

10.Јxb6 axb6 11.¤a4 dxc4 Both 11...¤d7 12.cxd5 cxd5 13.Ґf4 ¤b4 14.¤c3; and 11...b5 12.¤b6 ¦a7 13.cxb5 cxb5 14.Ґf4 Ґf5 15.¦ac1 ¤b4 16.a3 ¤c6 17.¤e5 favour White] 12.¤xb6 ¦a7 13.¤xc4 Ґe6

14.¤e3 Undoubtedly the knight is misplaced here but in return white keeps the extra pawn whereas 14.b3 allowed Black to regain it by 14...¤b4 15.a3 ¤e4 (bad is 15...b5 16.¤ce5 Ґxb3 17.Ґb2 , and White captures on c6.) 16.Ґb2 ¤c2 17.¦ac1 Ґxc4 18.bxc4 ¤xa3 , preserving good drawing chances.

14...¤e4 15.¤c2 ¤c7 16.Ґf4 ¤d5 17.a3 More vigorous is 17.¤e5 ¤xf4 18.gxf4 ¤d6 and here except for 19.a3 which leads to the game White may play 19.d5 cxd5 20.Ґxd5 Ґxd5 21.¦xd5. Black has some compensation for a pawn but it`s insufficient.

17...¤xf4 18.gxf4 ¤d6 19.¤e5 ¤c4 An attempt to tie and blow everything up doesn`t work: 19...Ґb3 20.¦ac1 ¤f5 21.e3 g5 22.¤d3 gxf4 23.¤xf4 e5 24.¤h5 , and White retains an advantage.

20.¤xc4? [It`s not reasonable to needlessly exchange such a knight. 20.¦ab1 retained an edge.] 20...Ґxc4 21.e3 Ґb3 22.¦ac1

22...c5! 23.¦d3 Ґa4! Black managed to bring his bishops into action and its activity is enough to equalize.

24.b3 Ґe8 25.¦cd1 cxd4 26.¤xd4 ¦xa3 27.¤c2 White couldn`t obtain an advantage by27.Ґxb7 Ґxd4 28.exd4 ўg7 followed by ўf6 threatening with ўf5. His extra pawn is not the one it had been before. White has three weaknesses – on b3, d4 and f4 and his rooks are passive.

27...¦xd3 28.¦xd3 ¦a2 29.¦d8 ўf8 30.¤b4 ¦a1+ 31.Ґf1 e6 32.ўg2 ўe7 33.¦b8 ¦a7 34.Ґe2 Ґc3 35.¤d3 Ґb5 36.¦c8 Ґa5 Peter started on the wrong end today and found himself in an ending with a pawn down already at the beginning of the game. Amazed by this present Ernesto had lost his head and carried out the realization badly allowing his opponent to save. In the final position Black is perhaps slightly better but Peter wanted to finish as soon as possible the game that started so awfully for him.



Nepomniachtchi,Ian - Rublevsky,Sergei [B43]
59th Russian Championship Superfinal Moscow (4), 2006

1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.¤xd4 a6 5.¤c3 Јc7 6.Јf3!? An interesting and original move although not very sound from the positional standpoint.

6...¤f6 [An alternative is 6...¤c6 ] 7.Ґg5 Јe5?!

The queen defiantly goes to the centre but soon White will win the fight for the dark squares. If Sergey wanted to be eccentric as well he could have opted for 7...Ґd6 , followed by Ґd6-e5. Quite playable was also 7...Ґe7 and the "Paulsen" move 7...Ґb4]

8.Ґe3 Ґb4 9.0-0-0 Ґxc3 10.bxc3 0-0 [10...Јxe4 11.Јg3 Јg6 12.Јd6 clearly favours White] 11.Ґd3 The weakening of the dark squares in Black`s means more than White`s spoiled pawn structure.

11...d6?! 11...Јa5 was better anyway, though here White has an initiative too.

12.¤b3 d5 Forced, as bad is 12...¤c6 13.Ґf4 Јxc3 14.Ґxd6 ¦d8 15.Ґe2 (15.e5 ¤d5 is not that clear) 15...Јxf3 16.Ґxf3 , and 16...e5 fails to 17.Ґxe5

13.exd5 exd5 14.h3 ¤c6 14...Јxc3 lose on the spot to 15.Ґc5 attacking the rook and threatening with Ґd3xh7.

15.Ґf4 Јe7 The queen is tossing about but for her there`s no comfortable place on the board.

16.Ґg5 A terrible pin. White`s initiative unfolds by itself.

16...Ґe6 More tenacious is 16...¤e5 17.Јg3 ¤xd3+ 18.cxd3 a5 19.¦he1 Јd8 , with idea to protect the knight by the rook from the 6th rank. Of course White has a huge advantage nevertheless. He may even liquidate into an ending by 20.Јe5 ¦a6 21.Јe7 and Black faces a difficult defence.

17.Јg3 ¦fe8 18.ўb1 a5 19.¦he1 a4 20.¤c5 ¦a5

21.¤d7! A simple but nice blow.

21...¤h5 22.Ґxe7 ¤xg3 23.Ґb4 ¦a7 24.Ґc5 ¦a5 25.Ґb4 ¦a7 26.¤c5 ¤h5 27.Ґb5 The black pieces are uncoordinated. White has many ways to a win.

27...¤f4 28.g3 ¤xh3 29.f4 ¦aa8 30.¤xb7 ¦ec8 31.¤d6 ¤f2 32.¤xc8 ¦xc8 33.¦d2 ¤e4 34.¦xe4 dxe4 35.Ґxc6 e3 36.¦d4 e2 37.c4 ¦b8 38.ўc1 A good creative achievement of the young player. 1-0


Khairullin,Ildar - Najer,Evgeniy [C10]
59th Russian Championship Superfinal Moscow (4), 2006

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.¤d2 dxe4 4.¤xe4 ¤d7 5.¤f3 ¤gf6 6.¤xf6+ ¤xf6 7.c3 c5 8.¤e5 a6 9.Ґe3 Јc7 10.Јa4+ ¤d7 11.Ґb5 cxd4 12.¤xd7 Ґxd7 13.Ґxd7+ Јxd7 14.Јxd4 Јxd4 15.Ґxd4 Ґd6 16.0-0-0 ўe7 17.¦d3 ¦ac8 18.¦hd1 ¦c6 19.g3 ¦g8 20.ўc2 h5 1/2-1/2


Grigoriants,Sergey - Khismatullin,Denis [E15]
59th Russian Championship Superfinal Moscow (4), 2006

In a quiet line of the Queen`s Indian White ceded the centre right away (10.dxc5) , after which Denis Khismatullin has taken the initiative. Before the time control Sergey Grigoriants succeeded in extinguishing his opponent`s initiative and a draw was a logical outcome of this encounter.

1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 e6 3.¤f3 b6 4.g3 Ґa6 5.¤bd2 d5 6.Ґg2 Ґe7 7.cxd5 exd5 8.¤e5 0-0 9.0-0 c5 10.dxc5 bxc5 11.b3 ¦e8 12.Ґb2 ¤bd7 13.¤df3 ¤xe5 14.¤xe5 ¦c8 15.Ґf3 Ґf8 16.¦c1 Јd6 17.¤d3 ¤e4 18.¦c2 ¤g5 19.Ґg2 ¤e6 20.¤e5 d4 21.¤d3 c4 22.bxc4 Ґxc4 23.Јd2 Ґxa2 24.¦a1 Ґb3 25.¦xc8 ¦xc8 26.¦xa7 ¦c2 27.Јe1 Ґc4 28.Ґa3 Јb6 29.¦a8 ¦a2 30.Ґxf8 1/2-1/2


Alekseev,Evgeny - Vitiugov,Nikita [D43]
59th Russian Championship Superfinal Moscow (4), 2006

1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 e6 3.¤f3 d5 4.¤c3 c6 5.Ґg5 h6 6.Ґxf6 Јxf6 7.e3 ¤d7 8.Ґd3 dxc4 9.Ґxc4 g6 10.0-0 Јe7 11.e4 Ґg7 12.e5 0-0 13.¦e1 ¦d8 14.Ґd3 b6 15.Јe2 ¦b8 16.¦ad1 Ґb7 17.Ґe4 ¤f8?

A very bad move. The knight should take part in the fight on the queenside and in the centre while it has nothing to do on f8 as checkmate on h7 isn`t threatening for the time being. 17...b5 was consistent unfolding counterplay little by little.

18.h4 ¦d7 19.¦d2 c5 20.dxc5 Јxc5 21.Ґxb7 ¦bxb7 22.¤e4 ¦xd2 23.Јxd2 Јe7

24.g4! An excellent move! White threatens with g4-g5, sealing the kingside.

24...f5 25.exf6 Ґxf6 26.¤xf6+ Јxf6 27.ўg2 ўh7 28.¤e5 Јxh4 29.¦h1 Јf6 30.Јxh6+ ўg8 31.Јe3 ¦h7 32.¦c1 Јh4

33.ўf3! Yet another elegant decision. On e2 the white king is protected from annoying checks.

33...Јd8 34.ўe2 ¦c7 35.¦xc7 Јxc7

36.Јc3! Any exchange except for the knight one favours White.

36...Јb7 37.ўe3 Јe7 38.b4! White is gaining space and fixing the structure on the queenside. The game is strategically decided.

38...g5 39.b5 ўh7 40.a4 ўg8 41.¤c6 Јf7 42.Јe5 ¤g6 43.Јxg5 ўh7 44.¤e5 ¤xe5 45.Јxe5 Јe7 46.ўf4 Јf8+ 47.ўg3 Јe7 48.Јe4+ ўg7 49.f4 Јd7 50.ўh4 Јd8+ 51.g5 Јd7 52.Јe5+ ўg8 53.g6 A fine positional game.1-0


Round 5

Jakovenko,Dmitry - Alekseev,Evgeny [B83]
59th Russian Championship Superfinal Moscow (5), 2006

1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.¤xd4 ¤c6 5.¤c3 d6 6.Ґe2 ¤f6 7.Ґe3 Ґe7 8.f4 0-0 9.0-0 e5 Since the moves a7-a6 и a2-a4 are not inserted Black can carry out the exchange operation in the centre. This fact is well-known and it appeared that Dmitry hadn`t come up with something new so his opening choice remained a mystery to me.

10.fxe5 dxe5 11.¤f5 Ґxf5 12.¦xf5 ¦c8 13.Ґd3 Ґb4 14.Ґg5 Ґxc3 15.bxc3 Јb6+ 16.¦f2 ¤e8 The position is about equal but White is potentially inferior as his bishops are limited while the pawn formation is damaged.

17.¦b1 Јc5?! More solid is 17...Јc7 with a possible continuation 18.Јg4 (18.Ґc4 ¤d6 19.Ґd5 ¤e7 , is not dangerous when Black trades one of the white bishops) 18...¤d6 (in this position 18...f6 isn`t that good due to 19.Ґe3 with idea c3-c4-c5.) 19.Ґf6 ¤e8 20.Ґg5 (if 20.Ґh4 f6 , and the bishop is out of play) 20...¤d6 , and it is a draw by repetition.

18.¦xb7?! White should try to open the files playing in the most active way. He had a good opportunity to drive the black queen away winning a tempo 18.¦b5! Јxc3 19.¦xb7 seizing the initiative for example 19...¦c7 (to 19...¤d6 strong is 20.¦d7 Јc5 21.Јg4 ¦b8 22.g3! preparing ўg2 which unties the rook.20.¦b5 ¤d6 21.Ґd2! (inferior is 21.¦d5 ¤c4) 21...Јa3 22.¦d5 and the black knights have no comfortable squares..

18...¤d6 19.¦b3?! Even with a lost of tempo as compared with the afore-mentioned line after 18.¦b5! White should have played 19.¦d7 In this case the repetition by 19...¤b8 20.¦e7 (also after 20.Ґe3 Јxe3 21.¦xd6 Јc5 and so on the position is roughly equal) 20...¤c6 21.¦d7 seems to be the most logical continuation

19...f5! The dubious thrust 17...Јc5 has been justified. The queen looks fine now, Black has a clear advantage.

20.exf5 Strange as it may seem to give up the centre was a comparatively better decision for White as he should open the position at any cost: 20.Јe2 f4 (not bad is 20...¤a5 21.Ґe3 (dubious is 21.exf5 ¤xb3 22.axb3 e4 23.Ґa6 ¦c6) 21...Јc7 22.¦b1 f4 23.Ґc1 ¤ac4 24.Јg4 ўh8 – Black`s blockade looks impressive) 21.Јg4. Black has plenty of possibilities черныхI like the prophylactic 21...ўh8 most. Now White is unable to bring disharmony into Black`s camp exploiting the e6 square: 22.Јe6 ¦fe8 23.Јd5 ¤a5 24.Ґb5 ¤xb3 25.Ґxe8 ¦xe8 26.cxb3 Јxd5 27.exd5 ¤e4 , which means that White would be deeply in troubles.

20...e4 21.Ґe2 ¦xf5 22.Ґh4 ¦cf8 23.Јe1 ¤e5 24.c4 a5 Not allowing White to count on the queen thrust to b4. At some point a5-a4 will be threatening chasing the white rook to a les cosy square.

25.h3 h5 [25...a4 fails to 26.Јb4!; the computer suggestion 25...¦5f7!? deserved attention creating an additional threat of ¤d6-f5.] 26.Ґg3 ¤dxc4 [If 26...a4 then again 27.Јb4!] 27.Ґxc4+ Interesting is 27.a4!? , securing the b5 square for the rook. In general to needlessly exchange the bishop isn`t desirable.

27...¤xc4 28.Јe2 Јd4 29.¦b1 ¦xf2 30.Ґxf2 e3 31.Ґe1 ¤d2 32.Ґxd2 exd2+ 33.ўh1 The black king`s position is too open therefore White manages to save the game.

33...g6 34.¦d1 ¦f2 35.Јe6+ ўg7 36.c4 ўh6 37.Јe8 h4 38.c5 ўh5 39.Јe6 Јxc5 40.Јg4+ ўh6 41.Јxh4+ ўg7 42.Јe4 a4 43.a3 ўh7 44.Јh4+ ўg7 45.Јe4 ўh7 In the opening Dmitry Jakovenko displayed a lack of information commonly alien to him and didn`t obtain even a shade of advantage. After mutual slight inaccuracies Evgeny Alekseev has taken the initiative but Dmitry defended well and saved half a point. On the whole it was a good game worthy of the tournament leaders.



Rublevsky,Sergei - Khairullin,Ildar [B23]
59th Russian Championship Superfinal Moscow (5), 2006

In this game a very complex line of the Closed Sicilian was played. The rivals were both praiseworthy playing an error free game. When the queenside has been emptied a piece agreement was signed.   

1.e4 c5 2.¤c3 d6 3.¤ge2 ¤f6 4.g3 ¤c6 5.Ґg2 g6 6.d3 Ґg7 7.h3 ¦b8 8.Ґe3 0-0 9.Јd2 b5 10.0-0 b4 11.¤d1 a5 12.Ґh6 ¤d4 13.Ґxg7 ўxg7 14.f4 e5 15.ўh2 ¤h5 16.f5 h6 17.¤e3 ¤f6

18.a3?! [18.¤g1! with idea of c3 was a bit stronger] 18...Ґd7 19.axb4 ¤xe2 20.Јxe2 axb4 21.¦a7 ¦a8 22.¦xa8 Јxa8 23.c3 bxc3 24.bxc3 g5 25.d4 cxd4 1/2-1/2


Svidler,Peter - Tomashevsky,Evgeny [C88]
59th Russian Championship Superfinal Moscow (5), 2006

Evgeny Tomashevsky has prepared an improvement 16...b3! which allowed him to simplify the position and to achieve a noble draw against a terrible favourite without big troubles.

1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.Ґb5 a6 4.Ґa4 ¤f6 5.0-0 b5 6.Ґb3 Ґb7 7.d3 Ґe7 8.¦e1 0-0 9.a4 d6 10.¤bd2 ¤a5 11.Ґa2 c5 12.¤f1 b4 13.c3 ¦b8 14.cxb4 cxb4 15.Ґd2 Ґc8 16.¦c1 b3 17.Ґxa5 Јxa5 18.Ґxb3 Ґg4 19.¤1d2 ¤d7 20.¦b1 ¤c5 21.Ґc4 Јxa4 22.b3 Јb4 23.h3 Ґxf3 24.¤xf3 a5 25.d4 ¤d7 26.¦a1 Ґf6 27.¦a4 Јb6 28.dxe5 ¤xe5 29.¤xe5 Ґxe5 30.Јd2 ¦a8 31.¦d1 ¦a7 32.ўh1 ¦d8 33.Јe1 ¦c8 34.g3 g6 35.ўg2 ўg7 36.¦d5 ¦c5 37.Јe3 ¦b7 38.¦xc5 dxc5 39.Јd2 ¦a7 40.Јd5 Ґc3 41.¦a2 Јb7 42.Јxb7 ¦xb7 1/2-1/2


Vitiugov,Nikita - Nepomniachtchi,Ian [E09]
59th Russian Championship Superfinal Moscow (5), 2006

After the opening White obtained an edge typical of this line but in the following play he failed to fulfill the general plan. He should either have exchanged the rooks along the d-file preventing Black from carrying out c6-c5 advance or allowing c6-c5 have exchanged on b7 and taken the d-file. In the game Black managed to exchange the light-squared bishop and at the same time to unload the d-file. After that White was left with merely a symbolical plus.

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.¤f3 e6 4.¤bd2 ¤f6 5.g3 ¤bd7 6.Ґg2 Ґe7 7.0-0 0-0 8.Јc2 b6 9.e4 ¤xe4 10.¤xe4 dxe4 11.Јxe4 Ґb7 12.¦d1 Јc8 13.¤e5 ¤xe5 14.dxe5 ¦b8 15.Јg4 ¦d8 16.Ґh6 Ґf8 17.h4 Јc7 18.Ґg5 ¦xd1+ 19.¦xd1 c5 20.Ґxb7 ¦xb7 21.Јe4 h6 22.Ґf4 Ґe7 23.h5 ¦b8 24.b3 ¦d8 25.¦xd8+ Ґxd8 26.Ґe3 Јd7 27.ўg2 a5 28.a4 Ґe7 29.Јa8+ ўh7 30.Јe4+ ўg8 31.Јa8+ ўh7 32.Јf3 ўg8 33.Јe2 Ґd8 34.f3 Ґc7 35.Ґf2 Јc6 36.g4 Ґb8 37.Ґg3 Ґc7 38.Јd3 Јe8 39.ўf2 Јc6 40.ўe3 ўh8 41.ўf2 ўg8 42.f4 Јe8 43.Јe4 Јd7 44.ўe2 Ґd8 45.Ґf2 Ґe7 46.Ґe3 Јd8 47.Јc6 ўh7 48.Јg2 Јd7 49.Јe4+ g6 50.Јh1 Ґf8 51.g5 hxg5 52.hxg6+ ўxg6 53.Јe4+ ўg7 54.fxg5 Јd8 55.Јh1 ўg8 56.Јe4 ўg7 57.Јh1 ўg8 58.Јg2 ўg7 59.Јh1 1/2-1/2


Khismatullin,Denis - Inarkiev,Ernesto [A65]
59th Russian Championship Superfinal Moscow (5), 2006

1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 g6 3.¤c3 Ґg7 4.e4 d6 5.f3 0-0 6.Ґe3 c5 7.d5 e6 8.Јd2 exd5 9.cxd5 a6 10.a4 ¦e8

11.a5?! White`s clear unawareness of not only a concrete line but of the ideas of the variation in general plays into Black`s hands.

11...b5 12.axb6 Јxb6 Black has obtained an excellent play. 13.¤ge2 ¤bd7 14.¤a4 Јc7 15.¤ec3 ¦b8 16.Ґe2 ¤e5 17.0-0 ¦b4 18.¦a3 Ґd7 19.¦fa1 ¦eb8 20.¤d1 ¤c4 [20...Ґb5 looked good as well] 21.Ґxc4 ¦xc4 22.¤ac3 Ґc8

23.¤a2!? An interesting idea of ensnaring the rook in the centre of the board but it didn`t work out well.

23...¤d7 24.¦b1 Ґd4 25.Јe2 ¤e5 26.h3 g5 27.b3 f5! 28.¤b2 Ґxe3+ 29.Јxe3 f4 30.Јe1 ¦d4 31.¤c4 Јe7 32.¤xe5 Јxe5 33.Јc3 h5 34.Јa5 Јe7 35.¤c3 ¦db4 36.¦e1 g4 37.e5 dxe5 38.d6 Јxd6 39.¤e4 Јd4+ 40.ўh1 Ґf5 41.¤f6+ ўh8 42.Јc7 ¦4b7 43.Јxe5 Јxe5 44.¦xe5

44...g3! The king is in the mating box. 45.¦e1 ¦xb3 46.¦xa6 c4 47.¦aa1 c3 48.¦ac1 c2 49.¤xh5 ¦3b4 50.ўg1 Ґg6 0-1


Najer,Evgeniy - Grigoriants,Sergey [B90]
59th Russian Championship Superfinal Moscow (5), 2006

In this game a theoretical discussion took place but unfortunately Evgeny Najer is still knocked down if not knocked out by his awful start. He doesn`t give up playing interesting and principled chess but alas he continues to lose.

1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.¤xd4 ¤f6 5.¤c3 a6 6.f3 e6 7.Ґe3 b5 8.g4 h6 9.Јd2 b4 10.¤ce2 e5 11.¤b3 ¤c6 12.¤g3 Јc7 13.0-0-0 a5 14.ўb1 a4 15.¤c1 Ґe6 16.Ґb5 Јb7 17.Ґxc6+ Јxc6 18.¤d3 d5 19.¤xb4? How is it possible to take the knight sideways opening the file for an attack on one`s own king? Of course correct is 19.¤xe5 after which both sides have their chances. I may err but it seems to me that White is better.

19...Ґxb4 20.Јxb4 d4 21.Ґf2? The immediate piece sacrifice 21.Ґxd4 came into consideration. Another option was to retreat the bishop for the defence of the king by 21.Ґc1

21...¤d7 Now Black`s attack develops itself.

22.¤h5 ¦g8 23.Ґxd4!? An attempt to change the course of events fails.

23...exd4 24.Јxd4 ¦c8 25.¦d2 Јc4 26.Јxc4 ¦xc4 27.¦hd1 ўe7 28.h3 g5 29.¦xd7+ Ґxd7 30.¦xd7+ ўxd7 31.¤f6+ ўe6 32.¤xg8 ¦c8 33.¤xh6 ¦h8 34.¤f5 ¦xh3 35.ўc1 ўe5 36.c4 ¦xf3 37.c5 ўxe4 38.ўc2 ўd5 0-1

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