

Viktor Lvovich, express your opinion on the world championship match Kramnik-Topalov.

This match makes a strange impression. I have watched how Topalov generally plays. In every event, at the start he falls behind and then at the end, he wins every single game! That’s why I really fear for the final games of the WCC.

What do you think about the off-board controversy?

There were some articles in the press about how Topalov used computer assistance during the games. To my mind, these articles became the underlying cause of the latest events. Then, the moment FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov had left Elista, Topalov team took initiative and blamed Vladimir Kramnik for cheating.

It is known that you signed a letter in Kramnik’s support. How should the Russian chessplayer handle this difficult situation? What reasonable steps should he take?

 It is a rare instance when I completely agree with Anatoly Karpov. If I were Kramnik I would leave there.

Do you think Veselin Topalov has been involved in all these shenanigans, or is it the members of his team?   

I don’t believe that Topalov team can do anything without the Bulgarian chessplayer's approval. 

What do you think about the future of the world title matches?

To be honest, all rumors about the unfair game leave an unfortunate shadow on the chess. However, I hope that one will be able to solve this problem by finding the effective measures of preventing information being passed. It is necessary to preserve chess as it is.   

Unfortunately, the chess scandals in Elista became the headlines of the newspapers. But is it so bad? Perhaps, the game can take advantage of this increase in popularity? 

It is hard to believe that new sponsors will pay attention to the chess because of “the toilet shame”. After all, it is very dirty publicity.  

What would you like to wish Vladimir Kramnik?

 That he should leave there!


The interviewer – Alexander Kentler


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