
09.05.2017 Приглашают в Литву

I change dates Panevezys chess festival 2017 to july 3-9 
And there will be held GM round robin, Master Open, Open B , Open C and Blitz  tournaments
Regulations see in attached files

August GM and IM tournaments will be held in Vilnius same dates 19-25 (26) august.
After round robin tournaments will be held Admiral CUP handicap 1-9, 2-8, 3-7, 4-6, 5-5 min. to end ) blitz tournament with 25000 euro prize fond  - 1 price 6000 euro.
26 august maybe will be held Open blitz championship Lithuanian with normal 3 min. + 2 sek. time control...
Regulation for Big blitz tournament will be when I return from Spain Mallorca after two week....

Vilnius airport will be closed from 14 july to 18 august, but more flights will be held to next Kaunas Airport.

P.S. It would be nice if you pass the information and feedback to their friends who want to visit Lithuania or play tournaments for norms.

Best regards from Lithuania,

IO, IA  Arvydas Baltrunas
Panevezys chess club manager

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