
25.03.2005 Tregubov & Shipov talk about Kasparov's retirement

Pavel Tregubov`s opinion

Do you think Garry Kasparov will return to the serious chess?

One could expect anything, considering Kasparov's habit to shift his ground. Especially if the overall situation in chess improves and the order with the championship cycle is set – in this case he may well consider returning. And chess will only profit from it.

Where would you place Kasparov among the other world champions? What is your own world champions' top list?

Considering his contribution to chess and the fact that his leadership was inaccessible to the others for two decades, I put Kasparov into the first spot. My top three – Fischer, Karpov, Kasparov.

How will his retirement affect the chess society? What negative (or, perhaps, positive) consequences do you expect?

A withdrawal of such a figure can somewhat weaken a public and media attention to chess. On the other hand, starting constructive reforms might become easier now, as Kasparov's name often provoked a scandalous associations. That's why I don't think that sponsors will start losing interest in chess – actually, I expect quite the opposite reaction.

Should the FIDE proposal concerning the championship match-tournament remain in effect, or it makes sense to reconsider or even call it back? Do you like the idea of the championship match-tournament, or there are other more suitable formulas?

There must be more than 8 participants in the world championship. However, it is not the best time to be selective. Any formula accepted by the parties involved is good enough at the moment, because the world championship must be organized. I do not like the FIDE proposal becuase it lowers the prize fund requirements for the world championship, not to mention that it was not realistic from the very outset because it had no chance to be accepted by the players.


Sergey Shipov`s opinion

Where would you place Kasparov among the other world champions?

He is the best, there is no question about it. Karpov and Alekhine are behind with a large margin.

How will his retirement affect the chess society? What negative (or, perhaps, positive) consequences do you expect?

I only see the negative consequences so far. Without Kasparov the chess world is left with almost no figure known to both chess and non-chess audience. Therefore, our chances to find new sponsors and to bring chess on TV screens are diminishing.

Should the FIDE proposal concerning the championship match-tournament remain in effect, or it makes sense to reconsider or even call it back? Do you like the idea of the championship match-tournament?

I have always considered the macth-tournament as the best and the only way of determining an absolute world champion. A single blow delievered against disorder and hesitation is the most effective solution. One big tournament is always easier to organize than a few smaller ones - and the recent developments have only confirmed this thought.

Some time ago when I worked at the WorldChessRating website, we conducted a poll on this topic among the chess fans, and most of them (about 70%) backed the match-tournament idea. I am quite sure that if we ask the same question now, the results will be very similar. I still support the match-tournament idea, but as long as we are lacking the specific offers and serious prize money, there is no point in discussing it.

Questions were asked and translated by Misha Savinov.

This article is published with permission of Association of Chess Professionals

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